MichiganRemembers.org was set up to remember those from Michigan, and those with strong ties to Michigan, that lost their lives during the attacks on 9-11. Even though the state is miles away from where any of the attacks happened, many Michiganders were directly touched by the events of the day. As the tenth anniversary of 9-11 approaches, the site hopes to hear from as many people as possible.
I had the opportunity to speak with Scott Watkins, a co-founder of Michigan Remembers 9-11, and a trustee of the fund. In 2001, he was working directly with Patrick Anderson, the CEO of Anderson Economic Group, and economist Ikhan Geckil. Both of these men were staying in the Marriott inside of the World Trade Center. Both survived the attacks. Scott knew that others in Michigan had ties as well and worked to start the fund and website…